Sep 12, 2011

Watauga councilman's views provoking controversy

WATAUGA -- All Watauga residents should be authorized to openly carry firearms, and those who have concealed-handgun licenses should be required to carry their guns when they are at City Hall. Police should also train all residents who are older than 65 or disabled -- and any others who are interested -- to use shotguns and pistols for home defense.


Aug 25, 2011

SA gun store sues ATF

A San Antonio gun shop is suing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, arguing the agency exceeded its authority by ordering licensed dealers to report some rifle sales.


Aug 19, 2011

Takin' it easy....

Well, all gun-related legislation in Texas is currently dead and won't be back around for another two years. Since that's what makes up 90% of the content of the blog, expect the updates to be much more sparse. I will still post what gun-related news I can, but be aware it's a going to be a slow news day a lot of the time around here!

Jul 31, 2011

Add-A-Rail goodness.

The ADD-A-RAIL SYSTEM is an affordable and easy solution to add rail mounted accessories with out the frustration or the cost of add full railed forearm. ADD-A-RAIL SYSTEM works with factory standard AR-15 A-2 and M4 forearm. Designed to allow use of a detachable rail mounted AR-15 accessories such as a Surefire flashlights, Streamlight Flashlights, Harris Bipod or foregrips, or other . ADD-A-RAIL comes in two version and can be used on either TOP/BOTTOM or RIGHT/LEFT side of your forearm.

Mounting Solutions Plus specializes in tactical mounts and gun accessories for professional and competition shooters.

Click Here to learn more.

Jun 30, 2011

Police officer charged with stealing driver's gun.

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas police officer has been fired and charged with theft and evidence tampering after investigators accused him of keeping a handgun confiscated from a motorist during a traffic stop.

A Dallas police department statement says Officer Lavar Horne searched the car during an April 28 traffic stop and seized the gun and marijuana. Internal affairs investigators say he discarded the marijuana at the end of his shift and placed the gun in his personal bag.

He was fired and booked into the Dallas County jail Wednesday, where he's held in lieu of $50,000 bond. He's charged with theft of a firearm by a public servant and evidence tampering. Conviction of either is punishable by two to 10 years in prison.

Jail records showed no attorney listed for Horne.


Jun 27, 2011

Pawn Shop Customer Stops Attempted Robbery.

SAN ANTONIO -- An attempted robbery at a southeast side pawn shop was thwarted Wednesday evening by a man with a concealed carry license who exchanged gunfire with the suspect.

The suspect and a security guard, who was also a customer at the store, were both hurt in the altercation.

It happened at about 7:15 p.m. at an EZ Pawn at Gevers and Fair Avenue.

"The subject walked into the EZ Pawn, pointed his gun up toward the ceiling and said this is a hold-up. Then there was a security guard with a concealed license that happened to be a customer then shots were exchanged between the two," San Antonio Police Sergeant Roy Bernal said.

May 25, 2011

Campus carry bill may have been stopped for good.

A measure to make it legal to carry concealed handguns in college classrooms may have been shot down for good late Thursday in the Texas House.

After the measure stalled repeatedly in the Senate, Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, finally succeeded in attaching the proposal as an amendment to a must-pass fiscal matters bill. When that bill reached the House late Thursday, Rep. Mike Villarreal, D-San Antonio, was ready with a point of order, a parliamentary tactic lawmakers frequently use to stall measures they oppose.

By correctly noting that the gun amendment was not pertinent to the rest of the bill, Villarreal knocked the entire bill back to the Senate, where the amendment will likely be stripped.

May 11, 2011

Texas Senate votes to let lawmakers carry guns.

Editor's note: Carrying in church is legal.

AUSTIN (AP) — Whether they're praying or politicking, Texas senators want to be able to pack heat wherever they go.

The Senate voted 25-6 on Monday to let legislators, statewide elected officials and some other federal and state employees who are licensed to carry concealed handguns take their weapons into places the rest of the public cannot. Those places would include churches, bars and other places that serve alcohol, businesses and sporting events.

Open carry dead in the house.

Rep. Todd Hunter, head of the calender committee, chose not to give any consideration to HB2756 (Open carry legislation). Hopefully a Senate version is out there waiting to come through.

May 9, 2011

Texas Senate approves guns on campus.

AUSTIN, TX -- Texas Senators have voted to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry their weapons into public college classrooms.

May 4, 2011

Could your shotgun soon be outlawed?

What’s the definition of a “shotgun?” According to it’s “a smoothbore gun for firing small shot to kill birds and small quadrupeds, though often used with buckshot to kill larger animals.” For the gun enthusiasts, that’s only partly true, as there is also the option of using slugs. But what if there’s another addition that will soon be added to the definition? How about, illegal.

May 3, 2011

Rodney Ellis is lying to kill campus carry.

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
Daniel Crocker, Southwest Director
W. Scott Lewis, Texas Legislative Director

One opponent of Texas Senate Bill 354, which would legalize licensed concealed carry (of handguns) on Texas college campuses, has resorted to blatantly false statements to make his case. Faced with a dearth of fact-based evidence supporting his position, Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) has conjured up a fiscal boogeyman, telling anybody who’ll listen that the passage of SB 354 would cost state colleges millions in additional insurance premiums. But like most fairy tales, this one is borne out of pure fantasy.

On April 7, Senator Ellis lashed out against SB 354 on the floor of the Texas Senate. Addressing the bill’s author—Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio)—Senator Ellis proclaimed, “I’m told by the community colleges it’s going to raise their insurance costs for liability insurance, despite the fact that under your bill you say they have no liability. But you can’t stop the insurance rates from going up. I’m told that one of my community colleges—they think it’ll cost a million dollars.”

Campus Carry Fails to Pass the Senate — Again.

When the Senate approved an amendment to state Sen. Judith Zaffirini's higher education bill that would permit the carry of concealed handguns on university campuses by a vote of 19 to 12, the Laredo Democrat killed her own legislation to prevent it from going through.

Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, has just under the 21 votes he needs to get his campus carry legislation to be brought up for consideration on the Senate floor. So instead, he tacked it on as an amendment to Zaffirini's Senate Bill 5, which eliminated certain university reporting requirements with the intent of reducing administrative costs.

May 2, 2011

Campus carry still trying to get through.

 From TSRA: 

Recently, Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) brought SB 354 to the Senate floor with a commitment from 21 fellow senators to vote to allow debate on his concealed carry on campus bill. This is the same bill passed by mostly the same members of the Senate two years ago. Rules in the Texas Senate require 2/3 of those present to vote to consider a bill, and then the legislation can pass with a simple majority. Two Senators -- Eddie Lucio (D-Brownsville) and Mario Gallegos (D-Houston) -- switched from "yes" to "no" votes as the bill was being laid out for consideration. Lacking the necessary 2/3 vote, Wentworth was forced to pull the bill down, and it has remained stalled in the Senate since.

Today, SB 5 by Senator Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo) was brought to the Senate floor. SB 5 deals with the general business of a college campus. Six "friendly" amendments were offered to Senator Zaffirini's bill, which she knew of in advance and accepted. Then Senator Wentworth offered a seventh amendment, one not cleared by Senator Zaffirini in advance -- the language to SB 354, concealed carry on campus.

Apr 28, 2011

House committee approves open carry of handguns.

AUSTIN, Texas — The House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety wants to take the concealed part out of concealed handgun licenses.

The committee voted 5-3 in favor of a bill that would remove the word concealed from the law that allows Texans to have a handgun license. The so-called "open carry" law would allow license holders to carry their weapons in plain view wherever they would be allowed to carry a concealed handgun. The rules for getting a license would not change.

Texarkana state Rep. George Lavender authored the bill that was approved Wednesday. In a committee hearing last week, advocates said the law would deter crime. Opponents warned it would create a dangerous and intimidating climate in densely populated cities.

The bill now goes to the full House for consideration.


Apr 17, 2011

Texas legislators seek expanded gun rights for themselves

State lawmakers could soon gain the right to carry concealed handguns where other Texans may not -- such as in bars, hospitals, schools and churches and at sporting events and amusement parks.

Measures pending in the Legislature would give state officials the right to carry guns in those places. And some lawmakers say the change is necessary in the wake of the Arizona shooting this year that left several dead and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life.

Apr 14, 2011

Lawmakers could carry handguns to most locations under bill.

The Senate Criminal Justice Committee voted Wednesday to let legislators, statewide elected officials and U.S. attorneys carry concealed handguns to locations that are off limits to most concealed handgun licensees. A bill approved by the panel would let those government officials pack concealed weapons at sporting events, and in churches, hospitals and bars - even in businesses that have a policy prohibiting persons from carrying handguns onto their premises.

Apr 13, 2011

Man With a Gun: ATF agents say motive of gun smuggling was to hype...

Man With a Gun: ATF agents say motive of gun smuggling was to hype...

Man With a Gun: Too Far? New Anti-Gun Ad Features Man Shooting Sil...

Man With a Gun: Too Far? New Anti-Gun Ad Features Man Shooting Sil...: "As of this posting, 2,794 (98.07%) people poled think the Brady's latest 'Assault clip' video is distasteful. 55 people (1.93%) disagree L..."

Campus-carry bill, Michelle Obama visit collide

First lady Michelle Obama’s visit this afternoon to San Antonio has caused a flap in the Texas Senate.

According to senators, Sens. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, and Royce West, D-Dallas, asked for permission to leave for a few hours to attend an event in the Alamo City with the first lady to highlight Texas’ contributions to America’s continued military readiness.

Then, realizing that two “no” votes on the campus-carry concealed handgun bill would be gone, Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, moved to call up his bill in their absence.

Apr 12, 2011

Let's ban "Assault clips..." whatever they are.

The Brady Campaign publicly flaunts its ignorance once again by confusing clips for magazines. The levels of misleading propaganda here are revolting:

Apr 11, 2011

Wentworth Searching for Votes for Campus Carry Bill

State Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, hoped to bring up his bill today that would allow some individuals to carry concealed handguns on college and university campuses, following a false start on Thursday. But the search for votes is proving more difficult than anticipated.

Texas Senate rules require the consent of 21 members to suspend the rules and bring a bill up for debate. When Wentworth tried to bring the bill up for consideration last week, he thought he had the support of 22 members. But after debate got under way, state Sens. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, and Mario Gallegos, D-Houston, withdrew their support, leaving Wentworth — who described the move as a "complete surprise" — one vote short.

Attention A&M students!

Texas Campus Carry

The following is an alert sent out by Texas A&M University Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. Senator Steve Ogden is our local state senator and his remarks on the senate floor today do not represent the staff and students at A&M.

Dear TAMU SCCC Members:

Earlier today, Senator Steve Ogden (our State Senator for Bryan/College Station) said on the floor of the Texas Senate that he doesn’t believe Aggies want campus carry at Texas A&M.

We need you to tell him that he’s wrong.

Recent gun scare on campus reignites concealed carry issue.

“I can’t believe this is happening again.”

This was the first thought that occurred to English senior Allison Cunningham after she read a text message from the University of Texas Alert system on Monday saying there was a male spotted with two guns on campus.